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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 2 Communication blog

I dvr'd a show called Last Man Standing, starring Tim Allen. I like him and assumed it would be a funny show. The episode I watched had a woman all dressed in black and appearing to attend a funeral. Tim Allen was dressed in a black suit and looked like he was leaving the house with her. However, he did not leave his house with her. He stayed behind and sat on the couch. So far, not funny! When I watched it with sound, he and his wife were having a funny conversation about going to a funeral for one of her co-workers and her concern about why she got a promotion. It may have helped if I was a follower of the show. The wife went to the funeral without Tim Allen, who really did not want to go. She tried to bond at the funeral with another woman who worked there but did not get the promotion. That did not work out very well and when she talked to her boss, she found out she got the promotion based on her accomplishments. There were lighter moments in the show, but I did not find it funny overall.


  1. I also like Tim Allen and would assume as you had the the show would be funny. I will have to look into watching the program (with the sound on). It was shocking to me how non-verbal communication can be misinterpreted without sound present.

  2. Deb,

    I had similar issues where the characters were really funny and not being mean or sad. It is a strange activity but truly opens your eyes to how valuable verbal communication is in conjunction with nonverbal.

    Good job,
    Cortnee :)
