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Friday, January 11, 2013

Wk 1 Competent Communication

The person I have chosen to talk about is my executive director. She demonstrates competent communication and is well versed in many things concerning young children. She is effective because she is knowledgeable, calm and authoritative when she speaks. She consumes vast amounts of information constantly and interprets it easily. I would love to model some of my own communication behaviors after this woman because her leadership and communication skills seem to be inbred. It is a natural position for her to take and she excels at her ability to confer information appropriately and thoroughly through making eye contact, gesturing, and with a can do attitude. She uses the right words, is a well-paced speaker and adapts her communication to the current situation. I have great respect for her.



  1. Body language is also so important when communicating. If you are saying one thing bit your gestures, attitude, and eye contact are saying something very different you are not portraying the information you wish to. Your executive director sounds like someone that would be a good model in effective communication. I am hoping that this class helps me to be a better communicator.

  2. Hello Deb,
    That a great thing to say about your executive director. She sounds like a great person to have at the helm. Having a great leader makes all the difference in the world. I am sure that you are a great part of her team, because you believe in who she is and what she does.
